Vehicle Extrication Training
5 Star Fire Training provides auto extrication classroom and hands-on training. This gives a better understanding of NVT, its issues, challenges, and risks using “actual 5 Star crash rated cars!” Participate in one of our Vehicle Rescue Extrication Courses, to discover recent changes in NVT. Our custom designed auto vehicle extrication courses present a dramatic impact on how you get your job done and the ability to do it safely! Read More
Firefighter Training Courses
We offer Firefighter Training Courses tailored to fit your needs. Both “career fire departments” and “volunteer fire departments” of all shapes and sizes. benefit from our custom designed auto extrication programs and live firefighter training programs. 5 Star Fire Training courses are not just a video series, DVD series or one-size-fits-all program. Learn More
Consulting Services
We have experience both domestically and abroad in Fire and Emergency Services. Unlike other consultancy groups, our staff members have decades of experience dealing in all aspects of the consulting services we offer. Not only have we written these plans, we’ve developed real life practical exercises around them. In other words, we don’t just write about it and train for it, we’ve lived it. Learn More
“The Carrizozo Volunteer Fire Department’s Five Star Training Academy Extrication training held was a great success. In addition to the Carrizozo firefighters, firefighters from six other fire departments participated in the training. Thank you Five Star Training Academy for bringing this training to Lincoln County.”
Thanks to our sponsors for helping us to bring the latest vehicle technology & equipment to your department. 5 Star Fire Training bringing you the BEST Vehicle Extrication & Firefighter Training courses!